About us

The company was established in 1981,with the company owning one delivery truck and hired one all around personnel delivering foam and upholstery materials around Cebu City.
TFE stands for three brothers, namely Tony, Francisco and Eric.
Fast forward to the present time, TFE now has five information offices, three of which are located in Manila, and the other two are in Cebu. Those in Manila are located in Manila, Mandaluyong City, and Pasig City. Those in Cebu are located in Cebu City, and Mandaue City.
TFE SALES MARKETING CORP. currently has a vast line of products that they sell, from nails to specialized construction materials to pharmaceutical products to silicone sealants. The company officially repacks and produces their own line of silicone sealant. These come with the name of Prosil, Durasil, and Silwel which are the famous brands present in the country today. Aside from repacking them, they also sell structural sealants under the brand GE.
Our company also specializes in the light metal framing production for ceilings. Currently, the company manufactures their own line of framing materials such as the double furring, single furring, carrying channel, wall angle. Together with these, the company distributes the BORAL brand of products such as its gypsum boards, UB888 filler materials and BORAL Cornice Compound.
We also supplies different construction needs such as the PPR (Polypropelyne reinforced) pipes for the Hot and Cold Water line for household or industrial application. Together with these, the company also sells specially ordered electric forklifts and hand pallet carriers.
In line with the specialized construction materials, TFE sells lifting equipment such as the hydraulic forklifts, jacklifts, hydraulic elevators and other lifting equipment.
TFE also carried the brand PRESTIGE and CHOICE for high quality office furniture from Taiwan. These brands have been proven to be very durable and the company has many clients which have been purchasing the office furniture for more than 10 years.